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New Me Naturally - Health Reset Program 


Find out how much your health is being affected by the food you’re eating so you can get your health back on track and enjoy life again.

This 6 week program helps you discover
just how great you can feel!

How would it feel to know what’s causing your health issues and to know exactly what to do about it?

It would be great, right?
But right now you…
you are experiencing one, or maybe even more symptoms like headaches, migraines, bloating, sore stomach, joint pain, diarrhoea, constipation, fatigue, brain fog or IBS, but you have no idea what’s causing them.

… are so confused after visiting Dr Google. You don’t know what you should be eating and you don’t even know if the supplements you’re taking are even helping.

… have
no idea if it’s something you’re eating that is causing your problems and you don’t know how to figure this out. You’ve had enough of feeling average and you just want to get on with your life.

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You've been trying to improve your health, but you're not getting better and your doctor can't help.

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You can totally do this with

the right help

Too often when we try and figure these things out ourselves, life gets busy or too hard and without a clear plan and support, we feel frustrated and give up.

What if you didn’t have to spend years of trial and error trying to figure things out on your own but instead, you had access to a source of knowledge and expertise that could guide you step-by-step to fast track you back to better health?

And what if you knew exactly which foods your body felt best on and which foods you were best to minimise so you stayed feeling great?

And if you knew what the most important supplements were that would make the biggest difference for you so you weren’t wasting your money on supplements that you didn’t even know if they were helping.

Let's be real here, it's not about getting rid of your symptoms.


It’s really about having great health so you can live the life you choose. Whether it’s having the energy to do more with your kids or grandkids, being able to walk without pain, feeling confident to go out, having the motivation and energy to exercise or even do housework. Just being able to do the stuff you choose without having to consider your health!

I don’t want to keep feeling like this, so why do we think there is nothing that can be done and that we just have to live like this?


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The New Me Naturally - Health Reset Program 

The 6 week step-by-step program to help you discover just how much the food you’re eating is contributing to your health issues so you can live the life you desire.

The New Me Naturally Health Reset program is a practical easy to follow online program for those looking for expert advice, support, strategies, accountability and tools to get their health back on track.

The program is in a small group coaching format to ensure you get the personalised attention you need to move forward with your health.

Eating the right foods for your body and taking the right supplements is one of the most powerful ways to improve your health.

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Lysa's knee pain disappeared, she has lots more energy & she sleeps better

"I have way more energy and sleep far better. I now have no pain in my knees which had been aching for about 2 years. I loved the program. I was a size 16, I'm now a 12/14 and feeling so much more revitalised and energised. I'm totally amazed at the transformation! Lysa 

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If you've ever wished for...

...A program with a proven step-by-step system so you’ll know after 6 weeks exactly which foods you do best on and which foods you're better without.

...Personalised expert health advice so you know what you need to do, to get your health back so you can enjoy life again.

...A place where you can get all your health questions answered, get support and be accountable so you can achieve your goals.

...Access to a registered Naturopath so you can get quality advice on which supplements will work best for you.

...You've been waiting for the New Me Naturally Health Reset Program.

The New Me Naturally Health Reset Program

is a private, practical and personalised online course for people
with health issues to help you get your health back on track.

I am confident you will not find any other program that is like the New Me Naturally Health Reset program because of the level of attention, time and focus I give to my members.


It’s not a course where you get left to do everything on your own with no personalised attention and support, and no one to keep you motivated and on track.


I do things differently because I want you to succeed, so you’ll get the support and individual attention to do that.


That’s why we only work with 10 members at a time.

Figuring your health issues out on you own is hard, what foods to eat, what to avoid, what supplements to take, and I know how tricky it is to stay on track without support.

I know it’s hard and that’s why I created the New Me Naturally Health Reset program.


The program was created to give you the knowledge, expertise and support you need to succeed, to get your health sorted.

Hi there, I'm Jenny 

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Bernadette's brain fog disappeared, her tummy pain got better and she felt a definite improvement in her overall health!

"I had tummy pains, brain fog and had trouble sleeping before I started the Health Reset program, but by the end of the 6 weeks, my brain fog was gone, my tummy pains had improved, I was sleeping better and I felt a definite improvement in my overall health"

TESTIMONIAL - Bernadette

Sandie's headaches dramatically reduced, she has better energy and less bloating. She didn't even realise she had food intolerances.

“For years I had 5 or 6 headaches a week, I had been to doctors and naturopaths and nothing had helped. I also had bloating, low energy and constipation. I am thrilled with my results from doing the program, I now only get the occasional headache, I have better energy, my constipation and bloating have improved”.


I was led down the natural health path…

  • After getting frustrated and fed up with the medical system where my health only continued to deteriorate despite the medication.

  • I was forced to have a mindset shift from expecting to take a pill and things would all be fixed to instead having to accept I had to take responsibility for my own health and do the work.

  • This is what led me to discover that one of the key triggers to my poor health was the food I was eating (and I thought I ate a pretty normal diet).

After experiencing so many improvements in my health through changing my diet and taking supplements

  • I retrained from being a frustrated Accountant (I wanted to help people but I was in the wrong job wasn’t I?) to a Naturopath.

  • I've now helped hundreds of people transform their health through dietary changes, helping them remove their Food Intolerances and through supplementing their diet with key nutrients.

It’s so nice to meet you.

Jenny xx

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Less bloating, sleeping better, lots more energy, brain fog gone...

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What’s Inside the
New Me Naturally - Health Reset Program

New Me Naturally Health Reset Program - 6 Modules $697 NZD Value 

In this 6 week online program, you’ll be taken through a proven step by step process to remove the most problematic foods and drinks so you can see exactly how much the food you are eating is contributing to your health issues. Fast track your results by removing the most problematic foods together.

You’ll be eating a wide range of nutritious whole foods, say goodbye to the food confusion as you’ll know exactly what to eat for great health. You’ll receive a weekly menu plan and over 40 quick and easy recipes so you’ll never be stuck with what to cook. 

Professional Advice on The Best Supplements

There'll be no more guessing which supplements you should be taking. Learn from a Qualified Naturopath which are the most important nutrients you should be supplementing with. Yes we should get our nutrients from our diet first, but unfortunately even people eating a healthy diet are often still depleted in essential nutrients.

We get into the nitty-gritty with dosing and which are the best brands so you’ll get the best bang for your buck.

Weekly Zoom calls - for Accountability & Support

We meet each week on Zoom so you can get your questions answered, and to give you accountability to help support you to succeed and get the results you desire.

Gain Clarity on Your Health Goals and How to Achieve Them

With the 30 Minute Magic Morning mini training, you’ll work through a step-by-step process to help give you clarity on the specifics of your health goals. You'll have a clear plan of the exact steps to take to move to the next level of health.

Knowledge Bullets – To Accelerate Great Health


You’ll also receive these extra trainings so you can progress your health even further.

 In these Knowledge Bullets, you’ll learn:

  • How to accelerate your health with great sleep.

  • The power of balancing your blood sugar for good mood, weight loss, insulin control and to make those pesky cravings disappear.

  • How to optimise your digestive health by eating the right types of fibre.

  • That how you eat is just as important as what you eat.

Listen how Sandie's health has transformed
with the Health Reset program

Sandie wasn't sure if she should do the program but she decided to go ahead. She had put up with years of headaches, constipation, bloating and feeling lethargic.

She said she had an amazing 6 weeks, it was a journey into feeling so much better.

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Hi, I’m Jenny, I haven't always had good health, in fact my health was terrible for years.

I was drawn to natural health after living with poor health for many years. In my early 20's I was diagnosed with an autoimmune arthritic condition called Ankylosing Spondylitis. I was in pain every day, at times the pain would be so bad I would blackout. In hindsight I put up with years of unnecessary excruciating pain, digestive issues, fatigue and low moods. If only I’d known better, but in those days I never understood the power of food.

My health dramatically changed when I learnt about the affect eating the WRONG FOOD can have on your health. The wrong foods for my body included some obvious processed foods, but I also had some common food intolerances. Once I removed these foods from my diet, my symptoms started to reduce and some disappeared.

In fact, the changes I experienced by taking a natural approach to improving my health had such a dramatic effect on me I decided I wanted to learn more about natural health. I read extensively on natural health but that wasn’t enough, I decided I wanted to study to become a naturopath so I could learn even more about natural health. I wanted to help others avoid the experiences that I had suffered from for years with poor health.

I still get a little pain every now and then but compared to the way my health used to be it really is a total health transformation.

I really take care to look after myself now I have regained my health. I never want to go back to the way I used to feel.

I look after myself by eating healthy foods (and no I'm not perfect, I like a treat every now and then, but its's all about balance - right?). I keep my food intolerances out of my diet (eating them only on occasions), keep my stress levels low and I take supplements to make sure I am getting enough vitamins and minerals as I know how important these are. I also exercise regularly.

It’s taken me years to figure everything out, but as I put into practice what I have learned it all starts to add up; each year I feel better and better.

I feel so grateful that I have such great health now. My passion for natural health just keeps growing, I love learning and love to share my knowledge with others, with my clients in clinic and with other natural health lovers online. My mission is to empower and inspire others to learn and make positive changes to their lifestyle so they too can learn how to restore their health naturally and live their life as they choose!!

Jenny xx

You'll Also Get These Bonuses!

Bonus 1

6 Weeks of Live Zoom Q&A Sessions

with Jenny Barker - Naturopath $297 NZD Value

  • 6 weeks of live Zoom Q&A sessions to make sure you get all of your health questions answered so you can move forward with your health.

  • Don’t worry if you can’t make it to the call they will all be recorded and available for you to listen to inside your membership portal.

Bonus 2

PDF Guide - 5 Strategies To Keep Your Eating On Track $147 NZD Value 

I'll share with you the 5 Strategies to Keep Your Eating On Track even when life gets in the way.

  • Find out how to plan for success and how to set your boundaries. 

  • Complete the worksheet to find out your WHY to give you the motivation and desire to stay on track.

  • Learn how to navigate the real world of tempting food and how to stay on track when eating out. 

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Plus You'll be Backed by a Risk Free
14 Day Money Back Guarantee

If you complete the first 14 days of the program and you're not completely satisfied. Just show us you've put the work in and we'll gladly refund your money. All you need to do is email requesting a refund within 14 days of the release of Module 1.

All prices include GST and are in NZD.

Here's What's included in the
New Me Naturally - Health Reset Program:

+ New Me Naturally Health Reset Program - 6 Modules $697 NZD Value
+ Bonus 1 6 Weeks of Zoom Q&A Sessions with Jenny Barker - Naturopath $297 NZD Value
+ Bonus 2 5 Strategies To Keep Your Eating On Track $147 NZD Value
is currently OPEN for Enrolment 

3 Monthly Payments of

$89 NZD


A One-Time Payment of

$247 NZD

Note - The Health Reset Program is limited to 10 participants.
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The New Me Naturally Health Reset Program

is a practical and personalised online course
to reset your health.

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Enrolment to New Me Naturally Health Reset Program Ends Soon
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